Hello, I'm

Vidhi Dharod

I work with brands, user experiences, interfaces, systems, products and education.

We offer you Ideal Support from idea to realization


We start by getting to know clients, their goals and their target audience.


We develop a strategy that defines the design approach, user experience and key features of the project.


We work closely with our clients to obtain feedback and improve the design untill it meets their needs and vision.


Once the design has been validated, we frame the task in order to set up a development roadmap. Development can begin in best condition and put the product to test with end user and you to improve the user experience.

Years of Success
Total projects
0 K

My design skills extend to anything you desire.

At the intersection of art, technology and business, we create design solutions geared toward business success. Since 2017, we have been in design technology. Our services range from experience designing, identity development, branding, user experience design, user interface design, technology development to digital marketing and SEO.


My Amazing Works

Design is Life

I Develop Skills Regularly to Keep Myself Updated

After Effects
Premier Pro


We translate a simple idea into an exotic digital design

Creative Design

Creative design involves using computer-generated imagery and digital animation to visualise a product. It aims to produce unique and memorable designs that stand out so that customers may easily identify a brand or product. Creative design had become increasingly important in the modern world, where each day numerous products are launched into the market.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is a craft where professionals create visual content to communicate messages. By applying visual hierarchy and page layout techniques, designers use typography and pictures to meet users’ specific needs and focus on the logic of displaying elements in interactive designs to optimize the user experience.

Website Design

On a website, web or mobile app, humans constanly interact with multiple elements. While a good UI (User Interface) ensures that user is able to do his/her task without being lost, UX (User Experience) ensures that the design is intuitive and evokes the right emotions and empowers the user. User engagement happens when UI & UX work together.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing, also called online marketing, is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication. This includes not only email, social media, and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel.


Client Testimonial for Website Design Service

Their Team will quickly define your needs and provide you with appropriate solutions. They will also not hesitate to give you their opinions.
Nita Shah
Ceo, UBS Bank
They have been supporting me in my tech projects, you can trust them with your eyes close. Very satisfied.
Vikram Nandu
Founder, Blusmart

Contact Me

Let's Create Experiences!


+91 897606138

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